Insights Discovery
Helping people to understand themselves …
and each other
In your organisation, do you find that your people are held back by a lack of self-awareness? Maybe individuals and teams don’t fully understand their own behaviour and response patterns. In the same way, perhaps they don’t understand each other.

This is where RPG will help. We’ll lead your people through the Insights Discovery™ personality profiling tool. We use Insight Discovery™ as a key ingredient to enable and support individual and/or team coaching, in relation to internal and external situations. We conduct the sessions either virtually or face-to-face, for groups or for individuals – whichever is best for you.
More respectful, productive and positive working relationships
Insights Discovery™ is an internationally used tool that helps people to grasp a deeper understanding of themselves and of their colleagues. The programme also enables them to develop more respectful, productive and positive working relationships, even across virtual boundaries.
For many people, following Insights Discovery™ forms the start of a journey of improved and exciting awareness. They find they’re able to –
- enhance their personal leadership skills
- improve new and established team effectiveness
- enrich and better understand communications skills
- improve their selling skills
- develop personal and team resilience